I universal truth, I was supposed to protect the original form.
“I’m this way,
Even a single person
The possibility can not believe this information,
Until I was 50-60-70-80-100
Truth will continue to scream
I went patience.
I universal truth,
The original form
AnmIşIm supposed to protect.
Maybe people will believe it after I die.
I do not know that for sure,
Finally made of destiny.
My findings are about the future, of course.
But I focus on them.
I just focus on doing what I do.
Other kinds of world conquest
He lost the love of people.
In the light of the Mahdi dream,
conquer the world with love
roasted with roasted no longer of this world,
almost in the solar system
another planet
They came to the location to be sealed.
This book,
As you mentioned, if the following are
meaning that you will win.
This book,
The first day
It came with MEANING TO US.
You will understand that MEANING
or will not understand.
If three people three people.
5 If people will live 5 people.
But the man will live like him.
The original and universal form will protect him.
Then came a flood
He will bring the world to take,
that’s it.
Only available with the,
As soon as they are ready,
prepared the original form
Will come to life.
With the proliferation of lust
We will spread into the wrong hands.
Maybe less, but the essence.
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