Translation by Pınar Akpınar

Our soul bodies are very selective for using our dream events.

 Personally, we have concluded that lots of dreams do not carry much information. If mind externalizes itself during particular sleeping periods, in this case, it means that nerve conductions in our synaptic spaces  empties the brain to comfort it.

 We can classify the brain in various ways. One of them is state of cleaning home. Sometimes, lots of loose thoughts are drifted, and cleared out as meaningless and muddled things during the night. It does not make any sense, because they are meaningless.

 On the other hand, we all know that dreams have a more perceptional view.

We can divide it into two with a thin line:


 As a conclusion of dreams there are some people who forebode about some events which will happen in the future.

 State of mind of ours can be changed with dreams.

 One of the most  stressed  period of our life happens in mourning terms when love of a beloved person has been taken from us.

 Only solution from this big sorrow nearly happens in the sleeping period. We go to sleep woefully and wake up with pain again; however, there is a riddle here.

 Some mornings, we wake up with a good idea coming inside us about coping with our lost. Problem solving through dreams is a period of a mental incubation  because some images in the dreams teach us the ways of growing,  So, can this insight come from somewhere outside us?

 If dreams betray something about mood, the person weaving the dream easily make a call as prompters who will help us for our emotional strain.

 Spiritual dreams consist of our guides to help us about solution, teacher souls, and our soul mates to get help in this way. It is not necessary to be in a big sorrow. In this spiritual dream mixture, including the soul world, we remember the memories related with experiences in other physical and mental worlds.

 How many of you have seen dreams which you could fly or swim under the water?

 These mystic memories include information on lives as intelligent creatures living in the water or flying on the other galaxies. These sorts of dreams often provide symbolic hints which open doors to make comparisons between our past and current lives.

 Our immortal soul character does not make too much change in the body which takes place as a guest; for this reason these comparisons are not too weird.

 Some of the most important awareness of ours comes from consecutive dreams about behaviors, places and events gained from experiences before getting our current body.

 While getting ready for reincarnation as soul body, our guide soul consolidates important places of our new life contract. The process of coming together with our own group that will take rolls in our new life and other souls from other clusters is an essential part of the world of spirits. Especially when a very important soul mate has been lost, memories inside the darkness of the hopelessness related with their preparatory class for reincarnation will be able to be triggered in our dreams in a way burning a light.

 Dreams externalize restrained desires and fears but at the same time it can define inevitable realities which are not an illusion or fantasy.

 Sometimes these realities are defined as metaphoric puzzles and shown as archetypal images.

Dream symbols are generalized as cultural, dream interpretation books are not free from this generalizations either.


 A dream perception is as real as an experience lived when we are awake.

 There is always time for spirits in the world of spirits.

 So, no matter how long ago they left us physically, beloved people still want you to realize that they are in the current reality.

 If you want  healINg In any area of your lIfe and If you are wıllIng for thIs work, you wIll also encounter the mIracles.

We are here with Reiki attunaments and

Levh-i Mahfuz to get you to live this awareness and

to intoduce you with your essence in the Levh-i Mahfuz century.


Ahmet Kaya 





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